Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Kudos to National Geographic as it ackowledges its racist past

This is a movingly honest post from Nat Geo that I'm really appreciating right now:  https://www.nationalgeographic.com/magazine/2018/04/from-the-editor-race-racism-history/

I agree that in order to make progress we must acknowledge our past, be honest about our mistakes, and be clear about our new outlook going forward. Here's a fine quote from the article "It’s hard for an individual—or a country—to evolve past discomfort if the source of the anxiety is only discussed in hushed tones.”

I'm hopeful that some of the ugliness in our nation's heart that is being revealed by the rise of Trump can become an opportunity to look that hate in the eyes, see it clearly for the prejudice that it is (not in hushed tones), and work diligently as a society, together, to address it.  That kind of long term outcome from the pain we feel right now would make me so proud.

my best,

1 comment:

Erika.atzl@gmail.com said...

I saw the article too, had a similar reaction, and appreciate that you just gave voice to my less-formed thoughts.

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