Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Diversity in the environmental movement

I've decided I'm going to expand my writing to include the topic of diversity in the environmental movement.  As someone who convenes around environmental issues for a living, I'm uncomfortably conscious of the homogeneity of our crowds, panels, leadership.  I've made a point in recent years to raise this challenge with collaborators when we are planning for meetings, and people are generally receptive, but progress is just too slow.  Fact of the matter is that communities of color or other underrepresented groups are much more likely to suffer the consequences of decisions that harm our environment.  So they must be appropriately represented at the tables of "thought leaders" and decision makers that we are convening on these issues.  It's the right thing to do, and the only way to ensure we are finding equitable solutions. 

To start my reading and learning, I first headed to Green 2.0  where I found this great report, among several others. It's from 2014, but looks like the most recent data.


This graph in the report helps illustrate the challenge. I mean, we can't even blame this on a shortage of scientists of color (although that exists too):

Stay tuned for more on this topic. 

thanks, Ingrid

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